Full-scaled test case management

Test Case Management

Test Case Prerequisites
Full-Scaled Test Management
Integrated Test Execution
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Comprehensive Test Case Management

Test Case Prerequisites

Define the test case’s prerequisites with Preconditions and Requirements for project’s clarity

Full-Scaled Test Management

Manage tests & view all linked issues, leverage AI to generate test cases & test steps with Tests

Integrated Test Execution

Specify timeline with Test Plans; Run test cases and analyze tests’ requirements with Test Executions

Define Tests Prerequisites

Define initial context required for test case
Manage and track test requirements for tests
Clarified requirements'coverage and traceability
Set Test Requirements

Full-Scaled Test Management

Efficient AI-Generator for test cases and test steps
Manage tests with all linked issues in 1 page interface
Manage other features within Tests feature
Try Tests Feature

Integrated Test Execution

Define project's timeline and scope with Test Plans
Execute and run test cases within the project scope
Calculate test steps for execution status
Execute Your Tests

For all testing strategies & QA teams

The tool is well-designed, user-friendly, and packed with features that make it an excellent choice for a wide range of testing scenarios.

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