Comprehensive Reports for Jira


Analyze status of test requirements with charts
Track and trace issues with detailed reports
Get reports based on different scopes and environments
Try Reports Now

Test Coverage

Display charts with calculated requirement status

Test Traceability

Sync with Coverage with detailed reports of issues

Scopes Analyzer

Personalized Reports with different scope calculation

Quickly manage requirement status with calculated charts

Customizable charts
Selective requirements to display with filters
Analyze with different test environments and scopes
Test Coverage

Trace and Track Detailed Reports with linked issues

Sync with Test Coverage
Filter selective requirements with linked issues
Calculate with different scopes and test environments
Test Traceability

For all testing strategies & QA teams

The tool is well-designed, user-friendly, and packed with features that make it an excellent choice for a wide range of testing scenarios.

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We Provide a methodology of software testing

Excellent App, very useful. Best thing about the app is easy to use and good insights of the work. Support for this app is also good.

Vakkanti Kumar
View on Atlassian Marketplace

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